French woman sues for lack of sex. Wins.

SEPTEMBER 9, 2011 - 0414PM

A 47 year-old French woman who divorced her husband was soon back in court suing for money damages in the amount of $14,000. The cause of action amounted to lack of sex spanning over 21 years. Citing violations of a French statute - Article 215 of the French Civil Code, the French Court ruled in her favor and ordered Jean-Luis B., (51) to pay her the amount of $8,000. Asked about his lack of performance in the “Boudoir”, he told the judge that he experienced bouts of tiredness and have certain health problems.

The law was enacted in 1804 by none other than the “Master Conqueror” himself, Napoleon Bonaparte. The statute specifically states that parties of a marriage must agree to a “communal life”. Court documents could not be located but the line of questioning might have focused on performance enhancing pills that could now be acquired by prescription. Naturally, we figured his explanation to the court might have been a ruse. There may have been a visual component to this affliction. So, we searched for a picture of the divorcee on the internet and none was available.